Garment distributors data


The Indian apparel market has demonstrated resilience and growth in an environment characterized by slow economic growth. The domestic apparel market, which was worth INR 200,000 cr as of 2012, is expected to grow at a compound average growth rate (CAGR) of 9% o 10% over the next decade. Further, the recent omission of excise duty on branded apparel has provided an impetus to retailers in terms of the overall market sentiment.


With a market size of INR 85,000 cr. in 2012, menswear is the largest segment in India’s apparel market, accounting for 42% of the overall market. In comparison, women’s wear makes up 38%, while kidswear comprises 20%, of the market.


With the market moving towards a being fairly well organized and well lubricated machinery it is only time that information is well desired on the channel partners and retailers. We present to you the distributor’s with detailed description of their operations as below:


  1. Company wise
  2. Brand held
  3. Category wise ( Men’s / Women’s / Children / Multiple etc.)
  4. Area handled (Towns / States)
  5. State wise
  6. Infrastructure wise

We are currently also working upon assembling a database of retailers all across India for the readymade garment trade.


We are your last mile connect….

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